How Do You Know When Your Guppy Is About to Give Birth

A quick guide to guppy pregnancies - pin

Guppies are one of the most popular fish in the world for both beginners and experienced fishkeepers akin. With their dizzying array of colors and diverseness, they make cute additions to freshwater tanks.

To add to their entreatment, these livebearing fish are also extremely easy to breed. In this article, we explore how to intendance for a pregnant guppy through every stage of its pregnancy!

Guppy Convenance Behavior

Guppy owners frequently find themselves with multiple generations of fish in their tank afterward a brusque catamenia of time. This has a lot to do with the mating beliefs of these prolific breeders.

Male guppies mature later on they attain 7 weeks of age, after which they will brainstorm to mate with female guppies. Equally part of the mating ritual, male guppies perform a series of "dances" to show off their colors and patterns in the hopes of attracting a female person's attention.

When a female person guppy is receptive, she turns and approaches the male in a response to his bid for attending. Female person guppies are able to give nascency several times after just one encounter with a male person fish, while male person fish are able to inseminate multiple females over the course of a single day.

How Many Babies Will My Guppy Have?

Guppies can give birth to anywhere betwixt 20-120 fry on a monthly basis. A single female guppy can requite nativity to upwards to 2000 fry within its lifetime.

Because they breed so rapidly, it is of import to make sure you lot have plenty room in your tank to business firm multiple generations of guppies. Individuals who do not intend to brood their guppies should divide the males and females. Here'due south a quick guide on how to tell betwixt the 2.

Feeding Your Pregnant Guppy

A prerequisite for healthy baby guppy fish is a healthy mother. When female guppies are pregnant, they require pocket-size frequent meals throughout the day. These meals should consist of high-quality vegetables and protein. Our top recommendations:

  • Spirulina flakes
  • Daphnia
  • Bloodworms
  • Peas
  • Alkali Shrimp

While fish flakes and pellets may meet the nutritional requirements of nearly guppies, pregnant fish typically do good from an enhanced diet. Therefore, we recommend supplementing the existing diets of your fish with the natural alternatives listed above.

Pregnant Guppy Stages And Gestation

Many beginners wonder how to tell if a guppy is pregnant. I of the starting time signs is the development of a guppy gravid spot virtually the base of the mother's anal fin. This spot appears nighttime yellow at first, and will go on to darken as the pregnancy progresses.

 At this point, y'all might wonder – How long are guppies meaning for? The gestation menstruum of a guppy lasts between 21 to 31 days. To preclude pregnancies from lasting likewise long, it is of import to carry out proper pregnant guppy care. Stressed out female guppies may suffer miscarriages, or requite nascency prematurely.

How To Spot A Meaning Guppy

The Guppy Gravid Spot Darkens And Enlarges

The gravid spot is a dark spot located right beside the anal fin in female guppies, and is typically used as a visual indicator of a pregnant fish. As the fry within the female's belly develops, the gravid spot stretches to become larger and darker.

Your Guppy Will Abound Larger And More than Boxy

Over the course of the pregnancy, your female guppy will gradually accept on a larger and more indigestible advent. While this may crusade her to look like a swollen guppy, rest assured that this is just what a pregnant guppy looks like.

Fry Eyes May Be Visible

At the end of your fish'south gestation menstruation, fry eyes may go visible through the pare of the female parent's abdomen. This also causes the gravid spot to appear darker. Congratulations! You'll have guppy fry pond about in your tank actually shortly!

Guppy Behavior Before Giving Birth (What Are The Significant Guppy Signs Of Delivery)

It is important to spot the signs that a female guppy is near to requite birth. This allows you to create a safe environs for both the mother and the babies. While the signs of an impending commitment may vary between guppies, there are three common signs to look out for:

Body Contractions

A guppy that is about to evangelize may feel contractions as she prepares to button her fry out of her body. Contractions may cause your fish to expect like she is trembling or shuddering. This is unremarkably a sign that your fish is about to go into labor.

They'll Try To Hibernate

Guppies can sense when they're about to give birth, and volition do their best to detect a safe, secluded spot within the tank where they can deliver in peace. Hiding is unusual for guppies as they are outgoing picayune creatures, which is why this behavior stands out as a sign that your fish is almost to go into labor.

Reluctance To Eat

Going into labor is a stressful feel. Therefore, guppies that are about to requite birth may demonstrate a reluctance to eat. If this is the case with your fish, practice make certain to pay extra attention to her.

Guppies Giving Birth

Birthing Tanks for Female Guppies

Birthing tanks are an essential component of a stress-gratis commitment for your guppy. Every bit you begin to notice signs that your fish is almost to go into labor, you should place her in a birthing tank.  Being able to give nascency in a birthing tank provides the mother with a safe space as she delivers her babies.

Subsequently a female person fish has finished giving nascency, she should be removed from the tank immediately to prevent her from eating her young. Thereafter, she should be fed nutritious food to replenish her energy.

Length of Average Commitment

The average length of a healthy delivery is between four to six hours. Guppy fry that are born salubrious will swim upwards, while weaker or stillborn guppies fall to the bottom of the tank. Healthy deliveries maximize the odds of survival for guppy fry.

Guppies that are more stressed out may take up to 12 hours to give birth to their young. At that place are also births that take longer than 12 hours – these are considered farthermost cases. Unfortunately, these births yield very few surviving fry.

Dangers to Guppy Fry

The main danger guppy fry face is filial cannibalism. Newly hatched guppies are at a high hazard of existence eaten by their parents.

There are multiple theories on why guppies eat their immature. Some individuals hypothesize that mothers practice and so to replenish their energy after giving birth. Others assert that guppies do so to weed out the weak.

Whatever their reasons may be, our communication remains the same – split up guppy fry from other fish in the tank.

Guppies Tin Shop Sperm

As you develop a plan to breed your guppies, you should bear ane thing in heed: Female person guppies possess a remarkable power to store sperm in their bodies!

This allows them to requite birth up to half-dozen times after just one run into with a male guppy. After that, you can expect your female guppies to give birth in consecutive 30-mean solar day cycles.

Of course, the frequency at which female guppies give birth means that yous need to be prepared to house your guppy fry. Brand sure you have a spare tank to keep them rubber after they are born!

Fry Intendance And Feeding

Caring for Guppy Fry In A Split up Tank

The first thing you should exercise after your guppy gives nascency is to dissever its fry from other adult guppies. You lot can do so by isolating the female guppy in a split tank right before she gives nascence, and removing her immediately after.

Caring for guppy fry in a separate tank is vital to protect them from being eaten by developed guppies, or by larger fish in a communal tank.

If you lack a spare tank, you can also use a breeding box. Just be sure not to house your fry in these boxes for prolonged periods, as the limited space may stump their growth!

Fry Food

Guppy fry are tiny, and require specialized fry nutrient that are tiny and hands digestible. We recommend powdered fry food containing a good balance of establish-based nutrients and animal-based proteins.

Information technology is recommended that you feed your fry in a split tank in the initial stages of their growth. Fry that are too young and inexperienced might not be able to compete with their larger tankmates for food. This will significantly bear on their odds of survival.


Guppies are some of the most remarkable fish in the globe because they are hardy, colorful, and like shooting fish in a barrel to breed. A thoughtful program to intendance for your significant guppies can ensure that you take a tankful of healthy fish on your hands.

Following the tips article is a great place to start. Be certain to share this article with someone who is thinking of breeding their guppies!

A quick guide to guppy pregnancies- infographics


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